Aches and Praise Two Hundred & Forty One

Dear friends,

News of the death of Prince, a popular singer who performed recently in Montreal, sent shock waves around the world today. The talented musician, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004, was 57 years old.

When I started looking on the Internet to find out more about Prince, I read that he had gone to church when he was young and studied the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses as an adult. Those teachings include the denial of the deity of Christ. For an excellent analysis of this and other cults, I would recommend reading Irvine Robertson’s book “What the Cults Believe.”

Yesterday, I began reading “The Case for Grace” by Lee Strobel, the former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune who became a follower of Christ after a lengthy investigation of the claims of Christianity. In this book, there is the following quote from Bono, a musician who has performed around the world: “I’m holding out for grace. I’m holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don’t have to depend on my own religiosity.” I wonder if Bono ever talked to Prince about spiritual matters.

Our ministry website has a new look. Yesterday, we switched to a Christian provider which offers more features than were previously available. Another exciting development is that CKZW – 1650 AM – in Montreal is now broadcasting seven days a week. Under the direction of André Joly, “Radio Gospel” began broadcasting on this frequency a number of years ago on Sabbaths and on Jewish holidays.

Scripture for the weekend: “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17 (NIV)   

Thought for the weekend: “God says, ‘I made My world in a way that reveals My character and My beauty. I didn’t have to have over three hundred kinds of beetles. I didn’t have to make billions of galaxies. The Alps don’t have to be that beautiful. The Grand Canyon doesn’t have to be that breathtaking. I didn’t have to make an ecosystem that is so delicate and so amazingly interdependent that I charged insect life with the duties of pollination to ensure your success in raising crops. All of those countless marvels I’ve created reflect that I’m the all-wise God who wields power and produces beauty everywhere.’” – Chip Ingram (from his book “Culture Shock”)

In His grace,

