Dear friends,
Last week I wrote about a book that the late Dr. V. Raymond Edman wrote and didn’t realize that I omitted one letter in the title. It was only when I was looking at the translation of my blog that I realized that I had omitted the letter “s” in the subject of the title. What makes this more interesting is that I went on to write that I pay close attention to detail. As young people used to say, “Yeah, right!” I did learn (from the Internet) that the book “The Disciplines of Life” was translated into French. If anyone has an extra copy in French, I would be glad to buy it.
This week I have been blessed by the insightful words of Stu Weber in his book “Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart.” While many men will be buying chocolate and flowers for their “significant other” in the next few days, the importance of men having male friends will not receive as much “press.” Drew Simmons, a former football player, is quoted as saying: “One thing I believe now more than ever before, because I’ve seen the absolute life-saving nature of it – real men need real men. And real men need open men. I wish there were more openness among men, that we could see the true tone of a man’s heart.”
Thought for the weekend: “Man strives for glory, honor, fame … that all the world may know his name. He amasses wealth by brain and hand … and becomes a power in the land. But when he nears the end of life … and looks back over the years of strife … he finds that happiness depends on none of these … but love of friends.” – Author unknown (quoted in “Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart” by Stu Weber)