Dear friends,
In the second chapter of the fourth gospel, John writes about Jesus’ first miracle: changing water into wine at a wedding feast in Cana. Pastor Laing writes: “There were six waterpots: six empty waterpots that first had to be filled with water so that Jesus could turn it into wine. Also, the three stages the waterpots went through, from emptiness to being filled with water, and from changing the water into wine; these three stages represent the three classes of people that God addresses in this gospel. These three classes begin with those who are unsaved. They could be used of God, but are spiritually empty for lack of hearing, understanding, or believing the gospel. Next comes the persons who receive salvation, who are filled with the living water Christ speaks of in John 4:10, when He speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well. Finally, those who have not only received salvation, but have also yielded their lives to the invigorating ministry of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus turned the water in the pots to fine wine, so also does the Holy Spirit turn our lives from spiritual darkness to spiritual light, and we become more and more sensitive to His leading.”
It is so important to study God’s Word. When Lise read the gospel of Luke while following a course from our office a number of years ago, she realized that she needed to ask God’s forgiveness for her sins and trust Christ as her personal Saviour. That course was written by the late Robert Munn, who served the Lord in Lamorlaye, France, along with Karen’s parents. We have more than 320 Bible course lessons in French in our office and recently, I have been typing Brother Munn’s course on the Gospel of John in English in order to make it available on our ministry website: If you would like to receive these lessons in hard copy, please call me at (450) 699-7308 or send an email to: and I will be glad to send them to you.
Scripture for the weekend: “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1 (NKJV)
Thought for the weekend: “If life is the complex of experience produced by contacts with the surrounding world, this Gospel aims to make God, incarnate in Christ, an historical and actual part of that personal complex. Real life begins with Him.” – Dr. Merrill C. Tenney (from his book “John: The Gospel of Belief” published by William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI)