Aches and Praise Five Hundred & Seven

May 28, 2021

Dear friends,

Have you ever kept a book on a shelf for years and then decided that you should begin to read it? Yesterday, I found a book written by the late William Laing that I received years ago. When Karen and I attended yearly conferences of Global Outreach Mission (now called MissionGO) in Olcott, NY, we had the privilege of listening to Pastor William Laing expound God’s Word. We also met Mrs. Irene Laing and learned that the Lord had given her and her husband eight children: four boys and four girls.

In “The Filling of the Waterpots” William Laing “conveys to his readers those enriched and enriching spiritual insights which God has given him during 42 consecutive years of Spirit-filled ministry as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Calgary, Alberta” (part of the foreword written by the late Hon. Ernest C. Manning). In an article that I found on the Internet, Edythe Humphrey wrote that Pastor Laing’s greatest thrill was to work with people and see their response to the Word of God. Those are my sentiments too!

Pastor Laing writes: “In John 2:11 the Holy Spirit declares the content of this book of John. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.” The eight signs in John’s gospel show both the needs of mankind, and how the Lord Jesus Christ fully meets those needs.” I am looking forward to sharing his insights with the men in our weekly Bible study online.

Thank you for praying for Karen and me as we seek to share the Good News of salvation in Christ with people in Quebec and throughout the world. We are thrilled to announce that our oldest daughter, Joëlle, gave birth to a baby girl yesterday morning. Cassandra Constance weighs 6 lbs. 13 oz. and joins her brothers, Brendyn and David, in the Lafleur family. She is a precious gift from God!

Scripture for the weekend: “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High; to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night” Psalm 92:1-2 (NKJV)

Thought for the weekend: “There is no such thing as a life without pain and trial, and therefore no such thing as a person without need of comfort … God could choose to insulate you from hurt, but instead He allows you to experience the tough times that draw you closer to Him.” – Dr. Charles Stanley (from his Life Principles Bible)


By His grace,

