Dear friends,
Yesterday, Karen’s mother would have turned 90. Pearl Shelly grew up in Ontario and moved to France with her husband, Clarence, and baby daughter, Karen. She had two other daughters – Margaret and Carma – before moving to Québec in 1971. From an early age, Pearl sang for the Lord and blessed many people with her voice, as well as playing the piano and organ, in evangelistic meetings and church services. The Shelly family was dedicated to declaring the good news of salvation in Christ and encouraging people to study God’s Word. If you are in the Montreal area, please give us a call at (450) 699-7308 and we would love to show you the radio follow-up office.
On Tuesday night, our Bible study group looked at John 15, where the Lord Jesus told His disciples “I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser.” Dr. Edwin Blum writes: “Jesus now instructed His disciples on three vital relationships. Disciples are to be rightly related to Jesus (verses 1-10), to each other (verses 11-17), and to the world (verses 18-16:4). Disciples have three respective duties: to remain (abide), to love each other, and to testify.” These sound like very formidable objectives, but the Lord did not leave His disciples (nor us) without the help needed to reach these goals. As we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, we will see the Lord do mighty things in our own life, as well as in the lives of others.
Scripture for the weekend: “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He shall testify of Me.” John 15:26 (NKJV)
Thought for the weekend: “Many Christians are caught in the rat-race of trying to perform for God, but God doesn’t want our performance. He wants our love and obedience. He wants us to open up our lives and allow Him to live His life through us. Once we understand this truth, the pressure is off. We are free to live in Him.” – Ray C. Stedman (from his book “God’s Loving Word”)
By His grace,