Dear friends,
In recent weeks, I have received several encouraging phone calls from Jean-Pierre, who has been in a hospital for psychiatric patients for many years. He has not had an easy life, experiencing many highs and lows. Please pray that he will continue to grow closer to the Lord as he reads the Bible and listens to “La Voix de l’Évangile” and other Christian programmes.
Last night, Karen and I attended a conference in Montreal entitled “Becoming Whole” organized by Isaiah 40 Foundation. Several speakers shared truths from the Scriptures dealing with such subjects as sin, shame, despair and hope. The more we study the Word of God, the more we can see how loving and awesome God is. As the parents of four adult children, we experienced many joys in watching our children grow up. How delighted God is when He sees His children obeying His Word and seeking to please Him.
Did you know that there are two great enemies of hope? Alec Cameron spoke about despair and presumption. He gave an interesting illustration regarding different attitudes of drowning people. People who are overwhelmed by despair have their heads down and don’t realize that a life preserver is being thrown their way. Others expect the flotation device to be thrown perfectly around their neck, instead of reaching out to grab it. How often do we feel sorry for ourselves and not see that friends or pastors are trying to help us?
In Luke 5, the story is told of a paralytic who had friends that cared enough about him to carry him to the place where Jesus was teaching. What happened? Luke records: “When Jesus saw their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’” Before we can live the life that God intended for us to live, we must come to Him for forgiveness. We must not let pride, material possessions or anything else keep us from admitting our need of the Saviour.
Scripture for the weekend: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 (NIV)
Thought for the weekend: “Our God is a God of rescue and restoration, of help and healing. When we respond to the needs of others, God’s glory is revealed to those who are most in need. So, do we see those around us as nonentities, curiosities, sinful, embarrassments – or as objects of the Creator’s love who may be drawn to Him if they can see His glory displayed in acts of grace?” – Bill Crowder (from “Seeing the Heart of Christ,” Discovery House)