If you’re as old as I am (and that’s pretty old), you may remember when television was in black and white. The number of channels available was very limited. So much has changed since the 1960s and many options are available, including the World Wide Web.
Some years ago, I prepared a bookmark about change. I linked a word or phrase and a Bible verse with each letter of the word as follows:
Confess – Romans 10:9
Honour the Lord – 1 Samuel 2:30
Abide in Christ – John 15:4-5
Never forget to follow Christ – John 8:12
Give yourself to the Lord – Romans 12:1
Exalt the Lord – Psalm 34:3
I don’t know if you have made any New Year’s resolutions, but one that I would recommend is to spend much time in reading God’s Word and asking Him to guide you to be a beacon of light for Him. The Lord has promised to never leave us (please see “Scripture for the Weekend”) and we can be sure that God always keeps His promises.
Scripture for the weekend: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say:
‘The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear.
Thought for the weekend: “God has chosen to move through our praying to accomplish things that would not have happened through any other means. As we seek God’s presence, He gives us light for the path ahead and makes His purposes known.” – from the booklet “Prayer Changes Things” published by Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada/www.ourdailybread.ca
By His grace,