Dear friends,
This week has been filled with joy and sadness, as we celebrated the birthday of our oldest grandchild and mourned the passing of a brother in Christ. Ten years ago, we rejoiced when our oldest daughter, Joelle, gave birth to Brendyn. He is a blessing to us and many others. We enjoyed watching him play baseball in the summer and now he is busy playing hockey.
On Tuesday, Nicholas Roussakis went to be with the Lord after many months of deteriorating health. Karen and I always looked forward to talking to him and were encouraged by his fervent faith, which he shared with many. We would ask that you pray for his family at this difficult time. Nick’s widow, Elly, has dementia. He was a loving father to Elena, Melissa, and Nadia.
In his blog post yesterday, George Worthy writes: “As the culture war continues to escalate all over the world, we as believers should be filled with peace in the midst of intense conflicts. So how can we be filled with peace in the midst of such adversity? How is that possible, one may wonder? One method of finding your “shalom” is a lesson found in nature.
When a storm swarms across the ocean surface, the fish know where the water is still — deep down under. While, on the surface, the winds and the waves rage, fathoms below lies water completely at peace. Perhaps we should learn something from fish.
In a shallow relationship with God, we will find ourselves being tossed to and fro by stormy waves of circumstance. James describes such a person as “double-minded” and unstable. In his trials, he cannot exercise faith because he hasn’t gone deep with the Lord.
However, when we seek that deeper relationship with Him, we can enter another perspective on what’s happening at the surface. Seeking and abiding in the depths of Yeshua, our Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace) will bring a peace that passes understanding, even in the midst of great storms. The double-minded man has not yet sought or found this place — since not everyone is willing to spend the time or effort for a deep relationship, however, it is available for all who truly desire and take the time for it.”
May we walk closely with the Lord in the days ahead, abiding in His love and the truth of His Word.
Scripture for the weekend: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8 (NKJV)