Aches and Praise Six Hundred & Twenty Four

August 25, 2023
Dear friends,  

If you feel that you’ve been having a hard time and complaints come to mind more often than thanksgiving to God, I would recommend that you read the book of Job. He experienced more trauma and loss than most of us ever will.

The following story is included in Dr. David Jeremiah’s Study Bible, in the 14th chapter of Job: “Alexander Solzhenitsyn knew how to hang on to hope.  He was a political prisoner in Russia for many years. Forced to work 12-hour days at hard labor while existing on a starvation diet, he became gravely ill, and the doctor warned he would die. One afternoon, he stopped working. Even though he knew the guards would beat him severely, he just could not go on any longer.

At that moment, a prisoner – also a follower of Christ – approached him. He had a cane in his hand, and with his cane, he drew a cross in the sand. Solzhenitsyn said when he saw that cross, he remembered the anguish his Savior had taken on for him; and he realized that the cross was where the battle was ultimately won. He got up, went back to work, and survived.

When you hang on to true hope, you can overcome the worst adversity.”

Recently, Karen and I went with friends to see “The Hiding Place” at a cinema in Montreal. This film of a stage production of the story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family in the Netherlands recounts the challenges that many people faced during the second world war. You can see a trailer of this production at:

Last week, a friend named Lise had an operation to remove a cancerous growth on her head. Please pray for her recovery. Please pray also for the friends who went to see “The Hiding Place” with us. They have experienced great loss and are trusting the Lord to guide them.

May we all keep our eyes on the Lord in the coming days, sharing the truth of His Word with family, friends, and others.

Scripture for the weekend: “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God” Job 19:25-26 (NKJV)

Thought for the weekend: “Gradually, out of the anguish and despair of this man’s heart, a realization has dawned: God is working out a great and mighty purpose in human history … Job calls him my Redeemer – that is, his vindicator, the one who will defend him, ransom him, and resurrect him from the dust of death.” – Ray Stedman


By His grace,                                                                                                                                                                                                             

