Aches and Praise Three Hundred & Fifty Six

July 5, 2018
Dear friends,     
On Sunday, Karen, Bethany and I went to the Christ Proclamation Church in Windsor, Connecticut, where we were warmly welcomed (which corresponded to the soaring temperature outside). Pastor Steve Thiel preached from 2 Peter 2, exposing the errors of Joseph Smith and examining the apostle Peter’s counsel regarding false teachers. To watch or listen to his message, please visit: It was neat how Pastor Thiel had just finished his sermon when the electricity went off. This meant that the entire message was available for posting on the church website and that the lack of air conditioning did not distract people as much as it would have earlier in the service.

Just before we went to Connecticut to help Candace and Richie move about half an hour closer to Canada, the water heater in our house stopped working. Bethany bravely took cold showers before joining us on Friday. The “end” of the water heater happened in a favourable season, because cold showers were more bearable than they would have been during the winter and it was much easier to bring in a new water heater, with no snow or ice on the steps.

Although it is warmer than we would like this week, heat waves usually don’t last long in  Quebec. We are looking forward to a group of young people coming from Pennsylvania this weekend to help in the Vacation Bible School (VBS) that is being held at Grace Church in Verdun next week. Summer camp and VBS hold a special place in my life. During my elementary school years, I went to a day camp, where I received the nickname “Shadow” while playing soccer and went to Camp Woodland (on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river) for five summers. I attended a VBS at Val Royal Baptist Church, two streets from where I grew up. About ten years after making a world map at the VBS, I asked God’s forgiveness for my sins while following a Bible correspondence course in Montreal. Four years later, I was on a bus headed for New York City, to board a plane to Belgium, beginning a chapter of my life with a Christian movement that prepared me for missionary service.

Scripture for the weekend: “then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment.” 2 Peter 2:9 (NKJV) 

Thought for the weekend: “In heaven, since we will be free from sin, we will see God’s glory unveiled in its fullness. That will be a more pleasing, spectacular sight than anything we have known or could ever imagine on earth. No mere earthly pleasure can ever begin to measure up to the privilege and the ecstasy of an unhindered view of the divine glory.” – Dr. John MacArthur (from “Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven” by Dr. David Jeremiah)

By His grace,

