Aches and Praise Three Hundred & Sixty

August 2, 2018
Dear friends,   


Last week, we looked at some of what D. L Moody wrote in an article entitled “Repent in Order to Believe,” which is included in a series of Bible studies written by the late Robert Munn. The first of the four-lesson series is available in English and French on our ministry website. These Bible studies have also been translated into Spanish and German and have been used by God to help people learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is what Moody wrote about repentance: I will give you the definition in military language: It is what soldiers call doing an “ABOUT FACE”! It is to ABSOLUTELY CHANGE DIRECTION. It is to march the other direction from the one that was being followed before. It does not matter that a man was happy or unhappy in the sin, that he suffered or did not suffer: if he does not turn away, God cannot forgive him. Repentance is a change in spirit or determination. 

Take an example from the parables Jesus told: “A man had two sons and he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today’. And he answered, ‘I will not.’” But after he said no, he thought and changed his mind. Perhaps he said to himself, “I lacked respect for my father. He asked me to work and I refused. I was wrong.” Suppose he had not changed; he would not have repented. But not only was he convinced of having done wrong, but he immediately went to the fields to work. This is how Christ Himself defined repentance: “He repented, and he went.”      

Moody also wrote: “There is one moment in the life of every man where he can stop and say, “By the grace of God, I am no longer on the road to eternal death. I repent from my sins and turn away from them.” If he lets this moment slip by, it will be too late. At the moment a man makes up his mind, God gives him strength. He doesn’t demand the impossible from him. Man desires, God supplies. He does not command all men to repent if they are incapable. Those who don’t repent and don’t fear the Gospel can only blame themselves.”

I appreciate receiving feedback from those who read this blog. Last week, a pastor friend kindly sent me some articles by Timothy Keller. No one wrote, however, to point out that I incorrectly wrote the Scripture reference at the end of the blog post as Hebrews 9:27, when, in fact it was Hebrews 9:27-28. Everyone was too kind to mention this oversight!

Scripture for the weekend: “… but unless you repent you will all likewise perish” Luke 13:3 (NKJV) 

Thought for the weekend: “A prevalent belief during this time was that severe calamities happened only to people who deserved God’s judgment; the truly righteous were spared this suffering. This was an idea that Jesus repudiated. The precariousness of life in a fallen world should prompt everyone to take stock of their spiritual condition.” – Dr. David Jeremiah (from his Study Bible, in reference to Luke 13:2-5)


By His grace,

