Aches and Praise Three Hundred & Thirty Seven

February 20, 2018
Dear friends,

I was not aware that Becca Schofield, a teen in New Brunswick, started a global movement of kindness after she learned in 2016 that her brain cancer was terminal. She died last Saturday, three days after another teen committed a horrific act of violence, killing many students in a high school in Florida. To read how Becca inspired so many people, please visit:

This post is being sent earlier in the week than usual due to a trip planned to a supporting church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. You may be wondering how a church in Tulsa started to partner with us. Well, it goes back to a trip that Karen’s parents made in the late 1950s with Dr. Barry Moore, an evangelist. They met a man in Columbia, South Carolina, who later moved to Tulsa and then the Shellys were invited to visit Tulsa Bible Church. The first time that Karen and I went to the church in the early 1980s, we were greeted by a gentleman who offered to lend us his car during the Mission conference. That was the first of many acts of kindness that were shown to us.

Karen and I are grateful for the many prayer partners that the Lord has raised up for our family and for the Quebec radio ministry. One of those prayer warriors is a lady named Winnie, who is 101 years young. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year and was taken to the hospital recently after falling in her home. Please join us in praying for this dear saint.

Scripture for the weekend: “Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him and saying, ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?’ Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”    Matthew 22:35-39 (NKJV)   

Thought for the weekend:  “It is better to keep a friend from falling than to help him up after he falls.”– quoted in the January 2018 edition of “Have A Good Day”
By His grace,  

