Dear friends,
There was another news item that caught the imagination of hockey fans, as the Montréal Canadiens relieved their head coach of his duties and replaced him with the man who had been their head coach a decade ago. In hearing this, I thought of how the Bible speaks of a number of people being given a “second chance.” The prophet Jonah comes to mind, as the word of the Lord came to him a second time (Jonah 3:1). Did you know that Jonah’s name means “dove”? We associate the word “dove” with peace, but Jonah did not experience peace after deciding to ignore God’s directive to preach against the city of Nineveh.
This coming Sunday, “La Voix de l’Évangile” will begin airing on six radio stations in northern Ontario, after a period of several years since the programmes were broadcast in Sudbury and surrounding towns. Our decision to stop broadcasting there was due to financial constraints.
We thank the Lord for the generosity of God’s people in providing the funds to pay for the air time. Please pray that many people will trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as a result of hearing the message of salvation in northern Ontario, as well as in Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New York and the entire world via the Internet.
By His grace,