Dear friends,
Last week I shared a poem that I found on the Internet on the theme “Life is fragile, handle with prayer.” On Sunday morning, the world was reminded of the devastation of evil, as a gunman killed dozens of people in Orlando, Florida.
The Lord Jesus declared that there would be tribulation in this world, but told His disciples to “take courage” because He has overcome the world (please see the Scripture below). When I lived in England in 1977, I saw signs on pubs that said “Take courage.” Since there was no Internet then, I didn’t “Google” to find out more about this slogan. As the following link shows, this refers to the ale produced by the brewery founded by John Courage in 1787.
Karen and I went to Ile Saint-Bernard last night to watch the sunset. We saw a photographer using a drone to take pictures of a couple near a tree in which there was a colourful material. At first I thought it was a kite, but Karen said it looked like someone had been hang gliding and got caught in the branches. As I reflect on this, I see a parallel with drinking alcohol. People are looking for a good time, but many get “caught” in something that limits their freedom and may cost them their life.
Last week J.R. came by the office and told me that the police had warned him to stay inside after they were alerted to the fact that he had passed out beside a building near his home. Please pray that J.R. will find victory over the desire for strong drink and that he will commit his ways to the Lord.
Scripture for the weekend: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NASB)
Thought for the weekend: “I never liked the word holiness until I learned to substitute another word for it that says exactly what holiness is – wholeness. I have never met anyone who does not want to be a whole person. To be a whole person means to be a person who is balanced and complete. That is what it means when we sing that God is “holy, holy, holy.” It means that God is whole, complete and perfect.” – Ray C. Stedman (from his book “God’s Loving Word”)
By His grace,