Dear friends,
In last week’s edition of this blog, I included a quiz in which clues were given to help readers choose names of ten people from the New Testament to match their counterparts in the Old Testament. Here are the names that I selected: Abraham – Matthew; Caleb – Barnabas; Elijah – John the Baptist; Gideon – Thomas; Jacob – Herod; Jonathan – John; Joseph – Peter; Joshua – Stephen; Lot – Mark; Moses – Paul. If you think of names of other Bible characters to expand this quiz, I would be glad to receive your thoughts.
Last Sunday morning, Karen and I were at the Southdale Bible Chapel in London, Ontario and were very blessed by the sermon. Richard Haverkamp gave a powerful exposition of the Scriptures revealing the promises of God. In speaking with him after the service, I was pleased to learn that he knew Christian workers that I had met in Belgium, while he and his wife served the Lord there.
On Sunday night, we were blessed to be at Bethel Baptist Church in Fergus. It had been five years since we last visited this body of believers, who have a vital part in our ministry through their prayers and financial support. I told the saints that we still use the IBM Selectric typewriter that they bought for our radio follow-up office in Châteauguay nearly 40 years ago!
In visiting friends and relatives this past week, we have been reminded of God’s faithfulness in building His church in Canada and around the world. As world events cause us to wonder if the Lord will return very soon, may we be diligent to share the message of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thought for the weekend: “Throughout Scripture we see the weaknesses of people being the very avenue through which God accomplishes the most remarkable things.” – Dan Schaeffer (from his book “The Power of Weakness: Embracing the True Source of Strength”)
By His grace,