La Voix de l’Évangile, Québec is a vital part of the extensive radio work of MissionGO
which reaches into many French-speaking countries of the world. The broadcasts are recorded in the studio of the radio follow-up office in Châteauguay.
The ministry began in 1955 in the Back to the Bible Broadcast studios in Lincoln, Nebraska through a staff member who spoke French fluently and had a burden for the French-speaking people of the world. An office was soon established in Aix-en-Provence in France.
In 1974, an office was opened in Châteauguay, Québec, under the direction of MissionGO representatives, Clarence and Pearl Shelly. At the present time, the broadcasts are aired on one station in Montreal and one in Champlain, NY. Stephen Frank became the director of La Voix de l’Évangile, Québec in 2006. His wife, Karen, is also a representative of MissionGO.
The weekly French-language 15-minute broadcast features Pastor Michel Martel, a Québec evangelist who faithfully teaches the Word of God. Audio messages (in French only) are available on CDs at a reasonable cost as well as approximately 40 books in French on the Christian life.
Action Mondiale d’Évangélisation (Québec) Inc is the name of the Québec incorporation of MissionGO
1. WE BELIEVE the Bible to be verbally inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
Kindly send your donation in Canadian or U.S. currency to:
Action Mondiale d’Évangélisation
Tax-deductible receipts for donations will be sent to Canadian residents.
The thoughtful man therefore thinks of the afterlife, but only one throughout the history of mankind has triumphed over death; one who spoke with authority and simplicity of eternal life – Jesus Christ.
Aches and Praise Two Hundred & Seventy Eight
As we begin a new year, I want to thank all of you who pray for our family and ministry. Next Monday will be my 44th spiritual birthday and I thank the Lord for His gift of salvation and for the brothers and sisters in Christ that He has brought into my life. Most of all, I thank Him for my beautiful wife, Karen. What adventures lay before us as we united our lives in marriage on December 24, 1981!
One of the gifts that I received at Christmas was a book entitled “Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors” by Voddie Baucham Jr. It is filled with insights about a familiar story and I highly recommend it if you would like to learn more about God’s plans and promises.
Last Saturday our family visited Parc Omega with our future son-in-law and his parents. Huge snowflakes fell as we drove through the park and fed deer and other animals. As the temperature dropped in mid-afternoon, rangers spread sand on the road to help vehicles get traction. Reading about Jacob and his sons this week reminded me of how God is our Shepherd. He takes care of us and leads us.
This morning I read a message that the late John Stott gave at Urbana 76 entitled “The Living God is a Missionary God.” When I attended this missionary convention, I had known Christ for four years. Weekly meetings with believers at Concordia University helped me to grow spiritually, but it was after Billy Graham challenged students at Urbana 76 to follow the Lord in full-time service that my spiritual journey took a new direction. After completing my studies in Accountancy a few months later, I went to Europe with Operation Mobilization and later joined Global Outreach Mission.
In the three decades that Karen and I have been missionaries, we have been misunderstood at times and had a taste of what Joseph experienced. However, as Joseph told his brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant it for good (Genesis 50:20), we can see how the Lord is in control of all that He allows to happen. Close friends of ours are going through very difficult times right now, as their ministry has been challenged. Please join us in praying that they will know God’s peace and that His will would be accomplished in and through them.
Scripture for the weekend:“Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21 (NASB)
By His grace,