La Voix de l’Évangile, Québec is a vital part of the extensive radio work of MissionGO
which reaches into many French-speaking countries of the world. The broadcasts are recorded in the studio of the radio follow-up office in Châteauguay.
The ministry began in 1955 in the Back to the Bible Broadcast studios in Lincoln, Nebraska through a staff member who spoke French fluently and had a burden for the French-speaking people of the world. An office was soon established in Aix-en-Provence in France.
In 1974, an office was opened in Châteauguay, Québec, under the direction of MissionGO representatives, Clarence and Pearl Shelly. At the present time, the broadcasts are aired on one station in Montreal and one in Champlain, NY. Stephen Frank became the director of La Voix de l’Évangile, Québec in 2006. His wife, Karen, is also a representative of MissionGO.
The weekly French-language 15-minute broadcast features Pastor Michel Martel, a Québec evangelist who faithfully teaches the Word of God. Audio messages (in French only) are available on CDs at a reasonable cost as well as approximately 40 books in French on the Christian life.
Action Mondiale d’Évangélisation (Québec) Inc is the name of the Québec incorporation of MissionGO
1. WE BELIEVE the Bible to be verbally inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
Kindly send your donation in Canadian or U.S. currency to:
Action Mondiale d’Évangélisation
Tax-deductible receipts for donations will be sent to Canadian residents.
The thoughtful man therefore thinks of the afterlife, but only one throughout the history of mankind has triumphed over death; one who spoke with authority and simplicity of eternal life – Jesus Christ.
Aches and Praise Five Hundred & Seventy Three

For the past few days, some lyrics from a song have been swirling in my head: “Will I see you in September or lose you to a summer love?” When I looked at the Internet, I found this: “See You in September” is a song written by Sid Wayne and Sherman Edwards. It was first recorded by the Pittsburgh vocal group The Tempos. This first version peaked at #23 in the summer of 1959. The most popular take on “See You In September” was by The Happenings in 1966, which reached #3.
In 1966 I was enjoying the summer break from school, playing outside a lot and listening to the radio a lot. This summer, I have not been playing outside, but I still listen to the radio. Now, the proliferation of television channels and Internet postings has bought so much information and news to our attention. We can get overwhelmed if we don’t make a concerted effort to focus on what is most important to us
One of my favourite authors is Ann-Margret Hovsepian, who recently posted the following:
You can read more of Ann-Margret’s insightful posts at: www.annhovsepian.com.
Scripture for the weekend: “Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God;” 1 Thessalonians 4:1 (NKJV)
Thought for the weekend: “If you serve your kids frozen pizza or chicken nuggets for dinner, you are a terrible parent. I don’t care how busy you are, find the time to microwave them!” – unknown (from Ann-Margret Hovsepian’s blog post)